May 02, 2013 can anyone make a living from gambling baccarat??? Now days if someone mentions they gamble for a living they assume that person plays poker. Followed by a story how good they or their boyfriend is. If someone its trying to get you to buy something or put money up or take a class DON'T DO IT. Anything legitimate like Advantage play's like. This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. Fauststriving explains what it's like to live life as a pro poker player /r/Writeresearch I Poker for a living. If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Message me ^here.
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Baccarat is an example of a game where there is a larger percentage of people who play that game who have been lucky enough to have lifetime wins compared to other games (for example, double-zero roulette).
For those lucky people, they can play the game professionally.
Ahigh, what in the world are you talking about? Baccarat is a negative expectation game. Everybody loses in the long run.
Baccarat is an example of a game where there is a larger percentage of people who play that game who have been lucky enough to have lifetime wins compared to other games (for example, double-zero roulette).
For those lucky people, they can play the game professionally.
But as far as setting out to be one of those lucky people, it's like setting out to inherit money. It happens to you, not as a result of something you do, you just either have it or you don't.
Whether they've had luck in the past or not, every additional visit to the table is like setting out to inherit money. Sure, there are people who set out hoping to continue their good luck. But, there's no logical reason at all why the luck would/should continue in the future.

Ahigh, what in the world are you talking about? Baccarat is a negative expectation game. Everybody loses in the long run.
Define the long run. Not everyone loses over their life times. Everyone is -expected- to lose, but they may not actually lose.
It's possible over a large number of hands of baccarat to be in the positive. It's rare, and the variance of baccarat is so low, I'd expect the large number of hands to be less than other games to have more than 1% of the players to be positive. I'd even guess that the number of hands is less than that for playing a number straight up on a double zero roulette wheel.
Define the long run. Not everyone loses over their life times. Everyone is -expected- to lose, but they may not actually lose.

I knew somebody was going to ask this. As you well know, it's not definable, but since he was talking about playing baccarat 'professionally', I think everyone gets the gist of that statement.
Unshuffled decks = negative expectation game turned on its head.
Does anyone play baccarat everyday and leave the casino after winning $400 per day?
I guess you got your answer however let make sure you get the point.The short answer is absolutely not. So if you found some system online or read some book claiming you can win at , craps, roulette,keno it's probably BULL. If some guy on a message board or in real life claims you/they can make $400 a day gambling in the casino (especially baccarat) then it's probably BS. I remember back in the 90's-early 00's When someone would mention they were a professional gambler, people would always claim they have some uncle or friend that dose the same thing, followed by a story how their uncle/friend always wins in the casinos. Now days if someone mentions they gamble for a living they assume that person plays poker. Followed by a story how good they or their boyfriend is.If someone its trying to get you to buy something or put money up or take a class DON'T DO IT. Anything legitimate like Advantage play's like Video poker (certainly a consistent $200- $400 a day was possible on VP in the 90's) You can find all the information online including this Forum.
Playing Poker For A Living
mathematically you can not beat games like Craps,keno, roulette, baccarat or other games like let it ride or 3 card poker. There are occasionally Angles on all casino games, things like seeing a dealers card in 3 card poker,taking advantage of dealers mistakes. Real Advantage players don't usually quote daily figures they will usually tell you an average overall hourly.
You can play baccarat professionally.
There are people playing with an edge.
Photo Credit: Nejron Photo
Who would have ever thought that you can make a living out of playing poker? This is possible but you must possess the necessary poker skills for it to pay off. You do not have to possess a certain personality to make the best out of online poker, as it is a game set aside for players with different personalities. However, an avid online poker player needs to persistent for them to rip the benefits that come with playing online poker regarding be smartcasinoguide
This is because there are days that you will not earn anything from the game. There are times when you will be too close to getting that jackpot but it will slide off your hands. Here, you will get so many mixed emotions, some of which will be driving you to quit; but you should not quit because online poker has to take care of your bills and other expenses. If you learn to persevere, you will notice that the bad days will not get in your way.
Online Poker For A Living Reddit
As an online poker player who decides to make poker their job, you need to have courage. This means that risk-taking should be a part of you. Place huge bets with the hope of making three times your wager but also be courageous enough to take big losses. Making huge losses should not crash you rather, it should make you stronger than before and teach you valuable lessons that you need to learn while playing online poker.
You also need to be self-disciplined. As mentioned earlier, playing online poker especially for a living will sometimes be accompanied by bad days. That is where self- discipline kicks in, know how to react to these bad days and also the good days. Do not overspend money that you win at a go because you do not know what the other days might bring. Self-discipline also means saving some of the money you make.
What do you need to start playing online poker for a living?
Of course, the first thing you need to make poker a full-time job is capital. You may wonder how much of this amount is necessary. This really depends on the amount you target to make at the end of the month or even annually. This will determine the number of buy-ins to buy, the greater your target the more buy-ins you need. You also need self- discipline, you should not be tempted to wager this money on other games.
You also need playing devices such as laptops, mobile devices and good internet service. After this, you need to prepare; know the kind of game you want to play whether tournaments or cash games. You should know the days you will play and those you will take time off. Playing poker for a living gets hard at times, but hang in there, you will soon reap the benefits!
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